As you all know, we are all different. Because our bodies are different and we all have different challenges, while others might not, it’s important to know that for each of us, the amount of times we steam will vary.
NORMAL CYCLES: For those who have normal, pain free cycles, I recommend a “maintenance” vaginal steam be done two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating as part of you self care routine. Keep in mind, you should wait about a week before, as well as, a week after menstruation before steaming.
MENSTRUAL DISORDERS: Women who suffer from pain, bloating, or exhaustion during menstruation, should steam every other day within the week or two before menstruation. This includes women with endometriosis and PCOS. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials.
FERTILITY CHALLENGES: Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. Some even recommend doing a steam every other day, all cycle long, for more serious conditions, for a more powerful cleanse & detox. This can be very beneficial for women struggling with long term fertility issues, but it is important to note that steaming all cycle long should only be done during a cycle where you are NOT trying to conceive.
MENOPAUSE: For those going through menopause, a yoni steam is recommended a few times a year in the first couple years of menopause to ensure that the uterine membrane is very clean when it stops menstruating. Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right.
A couple other times when Yoni steaming is beneficial on not only a physical level, but an emotional and spiritual level is:
After a breakup or separation: If you are separated from your sexual partner, and you feel like clearing the old or toxic energy that no longer serves you, a yoni steam is a beautiful way to close and cleanse that chapter of your life. It helps clear and opens you for your next chapter.
After miscarriage: Experiencing a miscarriage is a huge deal, and having a healing experience where you pamper your body and womb is essential to full healing. Creating a yoni steam ceremony is a beautiful way to support your body and emotions. It is best to prepare your yoni steam once your bleeding has stopped. The healing process after a miscarriage is an important and emotionally charged journey.
After a sexual trauma: Anytime your body feels violated a yoni steam can be a gentle way to recover. The yoni steam offers you a quiet time to meditate and send love to your body and to feel like you are being taken care of.
Please do NOT Yoni Steam if you are:
Pregnant or if you think you may be pregnant
If you have an Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Have an active internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation), or a fever.
Menstruating, or have any open sores or blisters present.
The content on the Earthy Sandy website is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any issue you may be facing - disease, health concern or illness. Our wish is for you to be inspired to make an informed decision about your health if you choose to use holistic methods to do so, and we advise that you consult a qualified health professional if you are in any doubt. We trust that by reading the information on this website, you acknowledge your total responsibility for your own health decisions.
If your specific issue relates to making big health changes around a specific diagnosis or condition, you are advised to consult with a qualified health professional in the first instance. Earthy Sandy is not a medical doctor and does not dispense medical advice. If you feel or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider immediately. Always consult with your medical doctor and/or health care provider before taking any medication, nutritional supplements, and/or making any dietary changes.
Earthy Sandy is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result if you choose to use or apply any of the information that you have read on this website and/or applied any of the information you have gathered from the resources. You are solely responsible for your health decisions.
